Friday 25 April 2014

Body Shop Chamomile Cleansing Oil | Review

The Body Shop was never a place I used to shop (spot the past tense) Now it has became a little obsession. Maybe it is all the rave reviews I have spotted knocking around the blogosphere lately, or perhaps that it is situated two doors down from my work and it would be rude not to pop in? There is just something that draws me in every time I walk by! Whatever the reason, it has certainly became a firm favourite and go-to for my skincare of late. With a 3 for 2 on all skincare and makeup then a buy one get one free on body care it was too much for my bargain hunter instincts to ignore! I come to you today with a review of one of my favourite, if not number one, purchases from my recent jaunt - the Chamomile Cleansing Oil. Now I have always sung praises to my beloved Clinique Take the Day Off Balm and I will always hold a spot (or tub) of it in my heart (cupboard). However, it is a little on the pricey side and can never be found on counters as it's constantly sold out! So I come to you with an amazing - fraction of the price - alternative!

Like the Clinique Balm, you apply to dry skin. The consistency of this product is definitely more of an oil and you can lather it onto a full face of makeup, right into those lashes - don't be afraid, the chamomile ingredient doesn't aggravate the skin. I use two pumps of this and it removes any form of makeup from my face. For those of you who suffer from oily skin, the words 'Cleansing Oil' usually make you run and duck for cover but do not fear! The formula leaves no residue therefore no drying or tight feeling to the skin.I love the fact that there is a pump so it can just go straight onto the hands without all the faffing around with lids - much more hygienic! It also smells absolutely divine and I find it very soothing, especially as I am using it at night before I head to bed.

I have now been using this product for roughly two weeks and have to say I am seriously impressed! I never thought this could possibly be as good as my Clinique Balm however, coming in at a ridiculously cheap £10 it could be my new front runner! Get yourself along to your nearest store whilst all of their deals are still running - it is certainly worth a purchase!

What are your favourite Body Shop products?

Lori x

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