Friday 7 March 2014

Origins Super Spot Remover | Review

I am not one to suffer from bad skin, in fact, I have to admit I have been pretty lucky on the skin front. I hardly have break-outs and on the whole have quite a normal skin type however, when I do get that odd blemish it comes in mountain form. It's as though someone is punishing me, they let me have clear skin 90 per cent of the time and then BOOM! Everest has appeared on my face! Attractive eh? That's when this little bottle of magic comes in.

Origins Super Spot Remover claims to heal, fade and fight spots fast and I can't help but agree. This little baby does exactly what it says on the tin. When I purchased this product I had a slight breakout on my chin area, usually where I suffer from blemishes, and decided on a whim to get it while it was still in stock - it sells out constantly! To be honest, my first thought was how tiny the bottle is. Having had this since the beginning of January and it now being March and with me having to use this pretty regularly (my face and this weather are not on talking terms at the moment) it looks like I've hardly touched it. 

The gel dries quickly after application, with the formula containing Salicylic Acid it can be pretty nippy although I find this quite bitter sweet, at least I know it's working. This fades fairly quickly leaving a smooth coating over the skin where the blemish is. If the spot has already broke on your face then applying this will take redness away from the area and evens out the skin around it quicker than usual. If the spot is still under the skin (they are the worst ones) I dab a little of this on the area and it stops the blemish ever surfacing. See - magic!

Don't get me wrong, this isn't going to make your spots disappear mysteriously overnight. You will notice a significant difference in irritation and redness as well as size, removing the spot quicker than it would normally take to disappear. For applying I use a cotton bud, using your finger to dab will only spread infection and create blemishes elsewhere. For £14 it may seem pretty steep for the size of bottle but I do find this makes a huge difference and the bottle actually lasts a very long time. 

Have you tried Origins Spot Remover?

Lori x

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