Thursday 29 January 2015

Lifestyle: Dairy-Free Brookies Recipe

To change things up a little I have decided to add some recipes to my blog for you all. In the last year I have found a new love when it comes to all things cooking. I'm much better at cooking then baking but I do like to give it a good go! We all love a tryer! This is one of the easiest and fool-proof recipes for all of you sweet tooths out there. I saw this recipe ages ago and then on one of my favourite bloggers Lily Pebbles posted about it, and having completely forgot about them I knew I had to bake a batch! There are so many versions and different styles of brookies so I will share with you my prefered methos. Also - warning - these are not exactly the healthiest of recipes, but sometimes you just need a little sugar fix!

What you will need:

400g Caster Sugar (told you this is one for the sweet tooths)
85g Cocoa Powder
125ml Vegetable Oil
4 eggs
2 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract
250g Plain Flour
2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
Icing Sugar (A small amount into a bowl)

This will create a lot of Brookies, you can always adjust the measurements depending on how many you want to make!

Firstly, pop the caster sugar, cocoa powder and vegetable oil into a medium sized bowl and mix together. Then, one by one, mix in the eggs. Add in your Vanilla Extract and by this point you should have a brownie like texture to your mix. Next, combine your flour, baking powder and salt and add  into the bowl. I then apply cling film over the bowl and pop into the fridge for the mixture to chill. You can leave this for anything between 2-4 hours, I try to leave it as long as possible but sometimes you are just too hungry!

Preheat the oven at 180c and line a baking tray ready for your brookies. Pop some icing sugar into a bowl and one by one, roll the brookies into the icing sugar to coat them. I like to make the balls quite small as they expand in the oven - you also end up with loads. Bake for around 10-12 minutes (I usually leave them to nearer the 12 minute mark) and once they are ready leave out to cool then voila! Eat until your heart is content - or you can't take anymore chocolate!

The waiting time for the mixture is quite long, but apart from that, these are so simple and easy to make! Also, they are absolutely delicious so well worth that wait. If you can't be bothered waiting that long, you could always pre-make the mixture the night before as it only takes about 10 minutes and you they would be ready to get fired into the oven in the morning!

Let me know if you make some brookies!

- Lori x

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