Friday 4 July 2014

Coming To A Crossroads

'The only pressure I'm under, is the pressure I've put on myself!' - 
Mark Messier

Over the last few months, weeks especially, my life has turned into a complete rollercoaster. So many highs and lows, with the occasional loop-to-loop! For me, it is starting to feel over-whelming and I need a chance to digest all the change going on around me. I don't think anyone (who doesn't blog - fully) realises how much time and effort I spill into this teeny corner of the web. I spend full days typing up posts, scheduling them for certain days, buffering all of my posts for when I'm at work and unable to post links directly. The time spent taking the photos, getting the right lighting, the editing, writing up the content and testing out products fully to give a completely honest view. Doing all of this whilst working a full time job is most certainly a juggling act. It's a lot of hard work and shed load of time, which at the moment, I seem to be lacking the latter.

My work life has came to a crossroads and I've been feeling the strains from the last few weeks. What I have come to realise is that you can only please yourself. You have to look after number one because, at the end of the day, no one else will. As much as I would love to, I simply cannot please everyone and I've got to choose the right path for me. Gosh, look at me, the wise old owl! Is this the start of adulthood? I think so...

With all goings on in my work life, it's been leaving me feeling de-motivated and trying to create content for my blog has suffered. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love blogging. I love writing up reviews, good or bad, putting up outfit posts of whatever I've been wearing - who doesn't love a pose? It's more disheartening when you pour your heart into your blog and give it everything you've got, to see you've had very little traffic reading your content that day. I actually blog because I enjoy it and I find it keeps my life organised. Is that just me? When my posts are all written and scheduled for the week, I feel it's an achievement. Gold star for me!

I realise this is me having a moan today and is not my usual bubbly content. Sometimes we all just need a breather though, right? I've been surrounded with a lot of negative minds lately and it can be quite draining.  I guess we're all allowed to have some down time.

Don't worry, my blog isn't going anywhere. Even if there are only two people who read my blog (thanks Gran and Grampa) and they like it, then that's all that matters to me!

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with life?

Lori x

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